Here’s articles associated with Facebook group – GBBO Fans (Great British Bake Off – AKA Breat British Baking Show), that I admin. I organised and hosted several bake-alongs, and monthly competitions within the group and on my first website, I added my write-ups of these events, to showcase everyone hard work. So over time, I will be adding old ones on here. In the mean time, here’s my first contribution to this page – a twist on the monthly competition


Crown Layered Pavlova, Mini Pavlova Nest & Various Fillings

GBBO Recipe Weeks

Go to my GBBO Recipe page with recipes for Cake Week, Biscuit Week etc… And with no time limit!!

What To Make When GBBO Is On

SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER – I would love it so much if you could sign up for my newsletter. I will send out monthly emails, showing the latest recipes and articles, and latest info. Being a site without ads, building a following, is even more important and will keep it up and running and for free to everyone. Occasionally there will be the odd seasonal emails, but is really a means of reaching you, if you are not already in one of the Facebook groups I admin. Please note too, that these email addresses are not shared or sold onto another party. Thanks so much Caro xxx

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Happy Baking & Making

Happy Tummies & Memories!

Caro xx

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Caroline’s Easy Baking Lessons