Here’s articles associated with Facebook group – GBBO Fans (Great British Bake Off – AKA Breat British Baking Show), that I admin. I organised and hosted several bake-alongs, and monthly competitions within the group and on my first website, I added my write-ups of these events, to showcase everyone hard work. So over time, I will be adding old ones on here. In the mean time, here’s my first contribution to this page – a twist on the monthly competition
Crown Layered Pavlova, Mini Pavlova Nest & Various Fillings
GBBO Recipe Weeks
Go to my GBBO Recipe page with recipes for Cake Week, Biscuit Week etc… And with no time limit!!

SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER – I would love it so much if you could sign up for my newsletter. I will send out monthly emails, showing the latest recipes and articles, and latest info. Being a site without ads, building a following, is even more important and will keep it up and running and for free to everyone. Occasionally there will be the odd seasonal emails, but is really a means of reaching you, if you are not already in one of the Facebook groups I admin. Please note too, that these email addresses are not shared or sold onto another party. Thanks so much Caro xxx
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Thanks for reading
Happy Baking & Making
Happy Tummies & Memories!