Mother’s Day Recipes

Here you will find various recipes, sweet & savoury, easy & more difficult. A lot of which, as suitable as a thank you gift for Mother's Day. In the UK it is on Sunday 10th March 2024, & in the States & other countries, 12th May 2024.

All recipes include thorough instructions & also a Kids Baking section to get them helping too. Some recipes which I have reviewed, are also suitable. Please note that at this time, not all recipes have been moved over on to this new improved version of the site here. But please check back regularly, as I am adding daily. If you want a specific cake, go to the Mother’s Day Cakes page.

LOTS more sweet bakes, in the cake page, the biscuits & cookies page & in the Pastry section.




Click to see more biscuit & cookie recipes.

See more cake recipes


Cream Tea Or Afternoon Tea?

How about a Cream Tea, or Afternoon Tea? All with homemade scones. Check out the selection below (go to scones recipes)

Extra close shot of a stacked british scone filled with cream and jam on blue willowcrockery.
Long shot of a white plate with 2 British chocolate scone halves with cream and jam, and first half bites missing.
Close shot of a halved and buttered British cheese scone with a bite taken, on a vintage pink and white plate, with pink napkin ad soft lighting.
Well risen cranberry spiced British scone on a plate.

Check out more recipes on the Visual Index page below:

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Happy Learning & Baking!

Caro x

Mother’s Day Recipes

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Caroline’s Easy Baking Lessons