Overhead shot of a tall meringue Pavlova with strawberries, blueberries & kiwi on top, fruit bowl to the side and pink napkin.
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Air Fryer Meringue 3 Methods – French, Italian & Swiss

Photo of white table with 2 brass measuring cups in centre, with deep red strawberry puree and a strawberry buttercream, with partial shot of chocolate & strawberry buttercream stuffed mini bundt cakes to the background.
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Real Strawberry Puree Buttercream

Slice of chocolate vertical Swiss roll cake showing showing 9 layers, with the cake to the background.
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Chocolate Orange Vertical Swiss Roll Cake

Front on pic of a smaller red fruit bundt cake with glaze drips, on white table with pink napkin and white crockery.
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Air Fryer Plum Orange Bundt Cake

Very close shot of various sizes and shapes of Scottish shortbread, with star shapes & an orange glaze & zest on top, with tartin napkin.
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Orange Glazed Scottish Shortbread

Extra close partial shot of a large ball of smoove homemade butter nestle din cheese cloth on wooden table.
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Homemade Buttermilk & Butter

Close shot of a nut and cherry topped fruit cake with slice about to be removed.
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Cranberry Apricot Christmas Fruit Cake

Cranberry Orange Madeira Bundt Cake
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Cranberry Orange Madeira Bundt Cake

close shot of half a chocolate British scone,with jam and whipped cream on top, served on whit eplate, pink anpkin and more socnes to the back.
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Air Fryer Double Chocolate British Scones

Ladies hand about to hold handle of small white cup with cranberry filled muffin and more to the background, with half eatten mini bunt to the front.
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Cranberry Orange Madeira Cake Muffins