

Caroline’s Easy Baking Lessons


By Caro

This next Theory Lesson is on the importance of sieving in all our bakes. Some people think it’s not needed anymore because flour bugs are not as prevalent as they once were. However, that is not the case if you don’t store your flour for example in airtight containers and jars. And, these bugs are not just found in flour, but lots of dry foods. I will be adding my article soon, on how to prevent the bugs if you buy flour in bulk.

But back to the sieving. Sieving is important for incorporating air, and a lot of air, into your batter. This air, if not later knocked out, results in a higher lift of the bake when in the oven. This lift, in turn translates as a lighter, more open texture. Making it less dense and much easier and more enjoyable to eat. Just be careful of recipes that use too much raising agent, as these can give a premature rise, and because there is not enough flour (or support if you like), it sinks back down. This is another reason sieving is really important, as it is a natural raising agent and doesn’t result in a metallic after taste like too much baking powder can.

For a little more, watch my quick little video below, explaining the importance of sieving & why we need to do it to get the most out of our bakes. Please click on the ‘Watch on YouTube’ option so I can monitor how many are watching it. Thanks

Thanks for reading & watching. Next Step – proceed to Savoury lesson 3 – Tear & Share Cheese Scones.

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Happy Baking & Making

Happy Memories & Tummies!

Caro xx

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