How To Check When A Cake Is Done – Theory Lesson 7

This is a common question for beginner bakers – how can you tell if a cake is ready? Recipes will not give a specific baking time (or they should not), as everyones ovens run slightly idifferently. So most recipes will give a time range or specify when to start checking. But how can you do that?
Watch my video below to show you the methods you can use to check if the cake, cupcakes, traybake or muffins are ready.
Thanks for reading & watching. Next Step – proceed onto Theory Lesson 8 – Whipping Cream. It’s taking a long time to copy everything over to this new improved website, so only 3 sweet & savoury lessons so far. More recipes can be found on the old website or you can watch my other videos on my Youtube Channel in the meantime.
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Happy Baking & Making
Happy Memories & Tummies!
Caro xx
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