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Mini Carrot Bundt Cakes

Mini carrot bundt cakes decorated and on a cooling rack.
Mini Carrot Bundt Cakes are a smaller scale version of my classic Carrot cake recipe, perfectly paired with an orange cream cheese frosting. Perfect for Easter/Spring simple baking & using up those mini Easter eggs.

Mini Carrot Bundt Cakes


1. Simple To Make/No Knowledge Required

2. Quick to make, 1-Bowl Recipe

3. No Special Ingredients/Equipment Required

4.Tasty, Light, well-loved Cake 

5. Fail-proof Recipe with thorough instructions & photos

6. Recipe in Grams, Ounces & Cups

All the ingredients for making carrot cake batter, labelled.

Notes On The Ingredients

The Mini Carrot Bundt Cakes are made up of a simple sponge made from eggs, oil (no butter), spices, flour, Baking Powder & of course carrots. The frosting is simply made from icing/powdered sugar, small amount of butter, cream cheese & orange zest &/or extract.


This recipe uses medium to large size UK eggs, but please note that the approximate equivalent is Large to Extra Large sizing in the U.S.

Vegetable Oil

I tend to use vegetable oil for this cake, but any neutral tasting oil will be fine and melted coconut oil would even work.

All the ingredients for making cream cheese frosting with orange and pineapple extract.

Choice Of Flour

My recipe works using UK Self-raising Flour, as well as for Plain/All Purpose flour and I have included how much additional Baking Powder to add if using the later.

Mixed Spice

Mixed Spice is similar to US Pumpkin Spice. It’s basically cinnamon (about 50%), ginger, cloves, pimento & ginger in the one I use.  But recently I also started adding nutmeg too.  


I like to use freshly grated nutmeg, but you can use ground nutmeg too.

If you would like to learn more, go to Differences Between UK & US Baking Ingredients.

Cream Cheese Frosting

I like to add orange extract to my cream cheese frosting, but for a touch of something special, I often also add in some pineapple extract by Food Flavours. It is optional, but so worth it. Pineapple, orange & lemon is amazing.

Bundt Cake Cases & Recipe Yield

This recipe will make 12 mini bundt cakes, using average sized mini bundt cases. It is based on individual bundt cases, that fit perfectly inside my cupcake tray/sheet. There are also many different designs for mini bundt cases, so as long as you fill at least 3/4 of the way, you should still have enough for 12 cakes.

Collage of red mini bundt case sin silicone, with Frylight cooking spray bottles and spraye don the cases, bake din a cupcake tray.

The Frosting

The amount of frosting made, is enough to fill all 12 bundts, as well as having drips of frosting down the sides if you wish. I just filled and topped with a swirl of the frosting. So if you just want to fill them, 3/4 of the frosting would be enough. You can make it all however, and serve along-side the cake, or use to frost some cookies.

Tips For Using Silicone Cupcake Cases

To help keep the shape of mini silicone bundt cases, place the cases inside a cupcake tray/pan while baking. I recommend using Fry Light cooking spray for greasing these bundt cases, and any silicone bakeware. Works great, and are less expensive than cake release spray, or greasing with butter and flour. Getting into all the areas easier too. If using metal mini bundt cases, use homemade lining paste.

Shot of fondant carrots without greens and titled fondant carrots.

How To Make Fondant Carrot Cake Toppers

Want to make your own hand-made edible fondant carrots to top your carrot cakes? Let me show you how easily these can be made and with no special tools or mould required. You need orange & green fondant, (or white and some food colouring). really simple process, and includes my step-by-step photo tutorial. Just remember to make them smaller if using on this smaller cake.

Go to my Fondant Carrot Cake Toppers Tutorial

Reader pics of mini carrot cakes.


Here’s some recent photos of reader pics of their Carrot Cakes using my recipe – feedback page to be added soon.

For more Carrot Cake recipes and readers’ pics, see my Carrot Cake Day article, that shows different ways to make the classic Carrot Cake recipe, including Gluten Free Bundt Carrot Cake.

DIFFICULTY LEVEL: super easy, beginner

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Recipe Card

NEW FEATURE – new to this recipe card below, is a ‘Cook Mode’.  This is a button just before the equipment list, that you toggle on/off.  On will prevent the screen from going dark if you are looking at the recipe while baking.  A great new feature!

Mini Carrot Cake Bundts with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting

Mini carrot bundt cakes decorated and on a cooling rack.
Mini Carrot Bundt Cakes are a smaller scale version of my classic Carrot cake, perfectly paired with an orange cream cheese frosting. Perfect for Easter and Spring simple baking & using up those mini Easter eggs. **click photos to expand
Caro @ Caroline’s Easy Baking Lessons
Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Cooling Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Serving Size 12 Cakes


  • Weighing scales or measuring cups
  • Small measuring jug
  • Mixing spoon
  • Stand or Hand mixer and mixing bowl
  • Sieve
  • Measuring Spoons
  • Grater/shredder and bowl for carrots
  • 12 Mini Bundt Cases (silicone or metal, individual or one pan)
  • Spray Cooking/Baking Oil or butter for greasing tins (see notes – Fry Light for silicone or Cake Lining Paste for metal bundt cases)
  • Timer or Phone Timer
  • Cooling rack
  • Cocktail stick/tooth pick
  • Bowl for making frosting
  • Pastry bag & tip, piping syringe or food baggie (optional)
  • Hand-made Fondant Carrots – optional (go to my Fondant carrot Tutorial)


For The Cake Batter

  • 3 Eggs, medium – large (Large – XLarge US size)
  • 120 ml Vegetable Oil (4 fl oz, ½ Cup, see notes)
  • 108 grams Light Brown sugar (3¾ oz, or ½ packed cup)
  • 145 grams Self-raising flour (5 oz, or 1 cup + 2 tbsps, Plain/All Purpose Flour PLUS 1½ tsp Baking Powder. See notes)
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • ½ tsp Mixed Spice (Pumpkin Spice, or see notes)
  • ½ tsp Ginger, ground
  • ¼ tsp (rounded) Cinnamon, ground
  • ¼ tsp Nutmeg, ground (heaped) (or ⅓ fresh grated nutmeg)
  • ¼ tsp Anise (scant) (optional)
  • 96 grams Carrots, grated (Grated/shredded weight. 3¼ oz, 1 cup)

For The Frosting & Decoration

  • 75 grams Cream Cheese, full fat, room temperature ( 5 tbsp, 2¾ oz, ⅓ cup)
  • 43 grams Butter, unsalted, cubed, soft (1.5 oz, 1/4 stick)
  • 1 tbsp Orange Extract (I like 1½ tbsp plus 5 drops of Foodie Flavours Pineapple Extract, see notes)
  • 225 grams Icing Sugar, sieved (8 oz, 2 cups, Powdered Sugar, approximately)
  • Orange Zest (for decoration – optional)
  • Tiny chocolate eggs (optional)


Make The Cake

  • Heat up the oven to: 180c/160c Fan/350f/Gas Mark 4.
  • In a large mixing bowl, add the eggs & whisk together. Next weigh in the sugar by placing the bowl of eggs on top of the scales and set to zero (TARE). And mix till combined, before setting to zero and adding in the vegetable oil. (You can set the scales to ml or use a jug). Alternatively, have all your ingredients measured out and ready before beginning ('Mise en place') See Photo 1.
    Eggs, sugar & oil added to the bowl & whisked together - photo 1.
  • Place your sieve over the mixing bowl, (on top of the scales and set to zero/tare), add in the flour, baking powder & ground spices. Use the back of a spoon to rub them both through the sieve. I like to mix the spices through the flour, while in the sieve, You will see me doing that in the video. I feel it helps distribute the spices through the batter better. Something else you will see in the video is my lifting of the sieve higher up. This helps incorporate even more air into your batter, making for a lighter cake. See Photo 2.
    Sieving over bowl of batter and adding flour - photo 2.
  • With the mixer on low to begin with, mix all the added ingredients until they come together, with no flour visible. Don't over-mix as it can lead to a dense bake. Alternatively mix in by hand. Add in grated nutmeg now if using. See Photo 3.
    Flour and spices added to bowl & then mixe din - photo 3.
  • Finally add in your carrots and fold in by hand, just until incorporated evenly and no more. See Photo 4.
    Adding carrots to the batter and final carrot cake batter - photo 4.
  • Now prepare your mini bundt cases by greasing well. I don't like to do this before preparing the batter, as I don't want them to dry out too much. For silicone bundt cases (or any silicone bakeware), I recommend using Frylight cooking spray. You will see me apply this in the video and I find it works best for silicone products. You can purchase in most supermarkets, but it is less expensive in places like Aldi, Lidl, B&M & Home Bargains. (See Photo 5 below). I regularly use the Butter, Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Sunflower oil versions in my baking. If using metal bundt tins however, I always use home made lining paste or a cake release spray.
    Mini silicone bundt cases and cooking spray bottle and greasing the cases before adding to cupcake tray - photo 5.
  • **Top Tip** – place the mini bundt cake cases into a cupcake tray/pan. Most mini bundt cases (or even silicone cupcake cases), will fit nicely, and in doing so, this helps them to keep their shape better when baking. See Photo 5 above & Photo 6 below. Next spoon or scoop the batter into the prepared mini bundt cases. Shapes/designs of mini bundts vary but you want to fill at least ¾ of the way. Then give the cupcake tray/pan a few bumps on the counter/worktop to expel any trapped air.
  • Bake in the centre of the oven for about 15 – 20 minutes until golden & well risen. See Photo 7. Check the cakes are done by inserting a wooden cocktail stick/tooth pick into the centre of the cake and if it comes out clean it is ready. If they aren't done yet, continue to bake for a further 2 minutes and check again. Continue until fully baked.
    Collage of the baked cakes in tray & also clos eup - photo 7.
  • Leave to cool down in the tin and on the cooling rack for about 10 minutes. Then remove the cases from the cupcake tin and place the bundt cakes (while still in the cases), upside down on the cooling rack. Leave for about 10 minutes to cool down more.
    **Top tip – cooling the cases upside down and pressing just a little, very gently, helps bundt cakes sit nicely if they are a bit too rounded/domed from filling too much. You can of course trim the excess, but this is much easier. See Photo 8.

Prepare The Frosting

  • Ensure that your cream cheese is at room temperature and your butter softened too. I like to cut butter into rough squares, about 1¼cm (½″) size as smaller surface area comes to room temperature quicker as well making mixing easier. But if you forget or are short on time, try this hack I reviewed, for Softening Butter In About 12 Minutes.
  • Beat the butter & then the soft cream cheese using a hand-held or stand mixer on med-high speed till smooth.
    Cubed butter and cream chees ein a bowl & then mixed - photo 9.
  • Sieve in the icing/powdered sugar gradually, beating well in-between each addition, until smooth and spreadable but thick. (See Photo 9 above). Add the orange extract, pineapple extract if using, &/or the zest of one orange. See Photo 10. Mix again just until distributed. You can also keep some zest to decorate. Place in the fridge while the cakes cool down.
    Adding orange extract to the cream cheese frosting - phot 10.

Removing The Bundt Cases

  • After 10 minutes you can go ahead and carefully remove the silicone bundt cases from the cakes. If well greased, these should come off easily. There are 2 methods for removing them. You can carefully squeeze the top most part of the bundt case, and in doing so, releasing air and helping remove the cake. See my video for how I do this. Then it's just a case of lifting off the case. If it feels like it won't all come off easily, you can continue squeezing a little more down the case.
    Mini carrot bundt cakes out of the cases & cooling -photo 11.
  • A second method is to have opposite way up and carefully peel off the cases, from the edge and fold over itself and then lift the cake out. I prefer the first method. Using Fry Light spray, I show you in the video two cases and one has practically no cake left on it and the other just a little. See Photo 11 above. Once all out of their cases, you can place right way up on top of the cooling rack.

Decorate The Cake

  • Once the cakes are no longer warm, you can add the cream cheese frosting. In the video, I added the frosting to a piping syringe. (See Photo 12). I prefer using this to a piping bag, as it's much easier on the hands. For filling just the centre of the 12 mini bundt cakes, I only filled the syringe twice. I chose an open star small nozzle, but you can use whatever you have. Alternatively, use a piping bag or an unused food baggie with a small hole cut off the end.
    A frosting piping syringe and starting to fill the bundt cake hole - photo 12
  • Simply pipe some of the cream cheese frosting into the centre of the bundt cake and once you reach the top, pipe in a circular motion, lifting up and releasing pressure to end piping. See my video for this.
    Piping the mini carrot bundts photo 13.
  • Add some orange zest, mini chocolate eggs, nuts, anything you like. Alternatively, make your own tiny fondant carrots – go to my Fondant Carrot Cake Toppers Tutorial.
  • Serve now, or leave on a cake stand at room temperature for a day or two. You can place in the fridge if too warm. But, if making fondant carrot toppers, don't place in the fridge with the cake as they will sweat and weep.
    Partial shot of mini carrot bundt cakes with cream cheese frosting and mini eggs on a cooling rack.
  • You can also serve with some of my home-made caramel or salted caramel sauce. Check out my Salted caramel Sauce video to accompany it.
    Wholemeal banana bread muffin with caramel sauce and hints and tips logo.
  • Store any left-overs in an airtight container (I like cake tins), in the fridge or somewhere cool. Will last about 3 days. ENJOY!
    Closer shot of mini carrot bundt cakes with cream cheese frosting orange zest and some mini eggs, on a cooling rack.



Mixed Spice – equivalent is Pumpkin Spice.
Flour – if using Plain/All Purpose Flour instead of UK Self-raising, please remember to add the 2 amounts of baking powder listed in the ingredients. 
Oil – any neutral oil can be used, even Coconut Oil. 
Close up of a mini carrot bundt cake with cream cheese frosting and orange zest on top.
Eggs – Large to Extra Large size for US readers.
Extra Frosting Flavours – I am obsessed with Pineapple Extract by Foodie Flavours. Combined with citrus flavours it is amazing.

Bundt Cake Cases & Recipe Yield

This recipe will make 12 mini bundt cakes, using average sized mini bundt cases. It is based on individual bundt cases, that fit perfectly inside my cupcake tray/sheet.
Far shot of above 3 mini carrot cake bundts, Easter cookies and orange slices with title.
The Frosting – The amount of frosting is enough to fill all 12 bundts, as well as have drips of frosting down the sides if you wish. I just filled & topped with a swirl of the frosting. So if you just want to fill them, 3/4 of the frosting would be enough. You can make it all however, and serve along-side the cake, or use to frost some cookies.
Freezing – The mini bundt cakes can be frozen undecorated after fully cooling down.  Wrap with baking/parchment paper before some foil/aluminium, cling film/plastic wrap or a food bag.  Defrost at room temperature. 
Extra close shot of inside carrot cake showing fluffy texture.
NEW FEATURE – new to this recipe card, is a ‘Cook Mode’.  This is a button just before the equipment list, that you toggle on/off.  On will prevent the screen from going dark if you are looking at the recipe while baking.  A great new feature!
For other ways to make Carrot Cake, go to my National Carrot Cake Day article.
Shot of a whit eplate with 4 layer carrot cake slice,, soft pink pastel Spring decorations and mini eggs surrounding it.
Check out my Easter & Spring recipes or original carrot cake recipe in a layer-cake form.
Full plate of mini carrot bundt cakes and cream cheese frosting, with orange sliced and orange coloured flowers.

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Happy Learning & Baking!

Caro x

Mini Carrot Bundt Cakes

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Caroline’s Easy Baking Lessons

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  1. 5 stars
    These cakes are delicious and so easy to make. They are so light and very popular with my family. Thanks for another great recipe

4.34 from 3 votes (1 rating without comment)

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