
Alternative Baking Equipment – Lesson 2

3 different sized wooden art brushes.
So what alternative baking equipment do I suggest or recommend for beginner bakers?  Learn which pieces of kitchen equipment you might already have, are good subsitutes to us ein your baking journey.

Alternative Baking Equipment

Theory Lesson 2

What Are The Substitutes?

Stock photo of a metal cooking spatula with a plastic handle.


1. A metal cooking spatula can be used in place of a baking palette knife as a lifting apparatus, moving your bakes to the cooling rack for example. You can also use it to flip over to bake the under side of your bake if need be, as it is often really hot at this point!


A mobile/cell phone can be used instead of purchasing a cooking timer if your oven doesn’t have a timer. They are also more accurate than for example oven timers, as you can also use seconds in your timings. Timing is very important in baking, especially as everyone’s ovens are different & can be running too hot or too cold.

3 different sized wooden art brushes.


An unused artist of paint brush can be a good substitute for a pastry brush. One that is 1 – 2.5 cm wide (1 inch), will do fine. Just make sure that it has got good bristles that don’t fall out.

Can be used to egg wash things such as bread, scones & pastry to prevent burning, to give a prettier appearance and to improve taste.

Use to grease cake tins & bundt pans and to hold baking/parchment paper in place. I have a selection of different sizes for different jobs, and smaller ones even for working with fondant.

A small is also good for greasing small intricate areas on bundts pans. Use with homemade lining paste (cake goop) for your baking.

Close shot of a glass with water being poured down direct on top.

4. Lids/Glass Rims

Lids or the rim of a drinking glass can be used as an alternative to cookie cutters.   Different sizes would be ideal and can be used for more than cutting cookies. Can also be used when cutting out fondant and pastry shapes. Remember but to dip in flour or icing/powdered sugar before cutting so as to avoid the dough sticking to the glass.

5. Salad Bowls

Salad bowls or large microwave bowls are a good substitute for a large mixing bowl or dough proving bowl. As a rule, the bigger the better, especially for proving dough.

Pink stacked Ikea cereal bowls & 2 dip bowls.


Cereal bowls, bowls for desserts or soup, as great for weighing out small – medium sized quantities of ingredients. So a great alternative to small mixing or preperation bowls.

Let’s face it, we all tend to not have enough cupboard space and so not having to purchase more bowls and find a place to store them if a plus in my book!

(In the photo are pink cereal & dip bowls from Ikea, that are 16cm & 12cm wide respectively.)

4 photo collage of process for shortbread base in coconut paradise slices - photo 1.

7. Food Processor

Some food processors can manage to mix ingredients and form a ‘bread-crumb appearance’ when mixing flour and butter.    (Example being to make pastry). Therefore it can be used in place of a pastry cutter/pastry blender.   

Note though that it is best to not over-do it with the processor if you are making pastry or the likes of scone dough, as it will work the dough & the gluten too much and can end in a tough bake. 

(In the photo collage it was used to make a shortbread-style base for Coconut Paradise Slices.

hands holding dough on cutting board
Photo by Felicity Tai on Pexels.com

8.Your Two Hands

Your own two hands can be used for mixing, bringing the dough together and kneading bread dough.  

Using your hands is best for things like pastry and making British scones, as machines tend to over work the dough like mentioned before.  These bakes require just gently kneading the dough just until it comes together in one lump.  You also get used to how the dough should feel by using your hands rather than equipment.

Palacio De Menadi Rueda Bottle Placed Next to Wine Glass

9. Food Bag/Baggie

Food or freezer bags can be used as a piping bag.  You can snip one corner and not need a piping nozzle (although if you want a different shape or size, you can still place a piping nozzle inside the bag.

The bag can also be used for crushing biscuits/cookies and nuts instead of using a processor or chopping

10. Wine Bottle/Glass Bottle

A wine bottle or large glass bottle can be used as a make-shift rolling pin.  Just be sure to flour or dust in icing/powdered sugar so the dough doesn’t stick to the bottle. Can also be used to crush or cookies in place of a food processor.  

Stainless steal fork on plate with other cutlery to the background.

11.Fork Or Thumb & Index Finger

A fork or your thumb & index finger can be used for crimping, (sealing and making a decorative edging) on your pies & tarts.  Simply put the fork prongs down on top of the pastry crust edge.  For using your fingers, you are squeezing the pastry edge of your pie, between your thumb and index finger.  

There are a few different ways to do by hand, that you can Google, as well as using a large spoon. (I only use one hand for this method). So you really don’t need special pastry crimpers, as there will always be another way to make the same design.

Collage of blind baking pie crust with dried beans - stage 3.

12. Dry Beans/Pulses

Dry beans (dried pulses) can be used instead of ceramic baking beans.  These are placed in a lined uncooked pastry case, for when the pastry is blind baking (with no filling) and the weight of the beans stops the pastry from puffing up whilst baking.  After that you remove the beans and add the filling before continuing baking.

 I like to use tin foil/aluminium foil but you can use baking/parchment paper.  A handy tip is to scrunch the paper into a ball, then unfold so there are no sharp paper edges getting into the uncooked dough.  Be very careful lifting the beans out & save in a jar once cooled down, & you can use again & again. Uncooked rice is another option.

In the photo collage, I am blind baking the crust for a Rhubarb Pie With A Twist Crust.

4 photo stacked collage of baked round and square chocolate cake, cutting to form a heart shape.

13. Square & Round Cake Tin

A square and a round cake tin can be used in place of buying a heart shaped cake tin.

 Simply bake a cake in a square and a round cake tin (see photo, first pic in the photo collage).

Then cut the round one in half, (see second pic).   

Next, join the two half circles to the square cake, when it is tilted, with one corner pointing upwards (see pic 3).  

Then sandwich with butter cream to join them and produce a heart shaped cake. (see fourth pic).  You can then cover and decorate.

There are many more baking hacks out there and if any more come to mind I will update you.  For decorating cakes, you don’t need all the latest or most expensive tools.  Often other things you will have on hand will do.

14.Empty Tins/Cans

Empty tins/cans can be used to bake cakes in.  I have even heard of tuna cans be used as ring mould in baking, where both top and bottom of the can is removed.  Just be very careful of the edges, that should be filed down.  

2 photo collage of a fake Christmaspudding cake made with Malteseres and fondant leaves.

15. Several Different Sized Round Cake Tins

Different sized round cake/sandwich tins can be used instead of buying an expensive a hemisphere cake tin.  Those tins take a very long time to bake and on a very low heat.  It is much much simpler and quicker to stack different sized round cake layers and carve them a little to get a dome shape.  (See how I used them to made my Xmas Pudding Cake).


Now proceed to Savoury Lesson 1 (AIr Fryer 30 Minute Yeast Free Cheesy Bread), making sure to read it thoroughly before attempting to make it. Please see the sharing options or even printing, at the right/bottom of your screen (bottom of your screen for mobile devices, and down the right-hand side on computers).

 DOWNLOAD THE LESSON – to your phone or computer for saving and printing off later. Click the ‘download’ button below.

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Happy Learning & Baking!

Caro x

Alternative Baking Equipment – Theory Lesson 2

Search For Something You Fancy!

Caroline’s Easy Baking Lessons
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