World Baking Day Recipes
19th May 2024 marks World Baking Day! Yeh! Now every single day should be Baking Day, but it’s still great that there is a day to recognise and promote the beauty that is baking.
World Baking Day Recipes
*Original post 17 May 2022, updated photos 12/05/2024. Note some people consider 17th May 2024 is World Baking Day, but general consensus is 3rd Sunday in May.
History shows that baking might have been around for more than 14 thousand years. And in that time, it has evolved so much, but at the same time, much joy can still come in these days of high technology, by going back to the basics of baking.
Baking Therapy
Baking is therapeutic to so many people, helping with stress and anxiety. It can be fun getting kids involved and at the end of it all – you have some tasty bakes to enjoy or gift.
We are not so happy about the mess and clean up, but the joy of creating something from scratch makes up for that. Baking can also develop better self-esteem as you push yourself into new territory.
I always say, no matter how much experience and years of baking and qualifications you have, there is always something new to learn in baking. And if you love learning and developing your skills, baking is for you.
The History Of Baking
If you want to read more about how baking has evolved over thousands of years, check out Day Of The, for The History Of Baking & Baking Day.
Free Baking Lessons For All
What I can offer for World Baking Day is free structured sweet and savoury baking lessons, along with essential baking theory. Many easy recipes on the website, as well as recipe reviews, so a good place for you start your baking journey, start baking again, or add to your repertoire.
Call To Action – Bake!!
Go see what you have in the fridge and pantry and make something special and homemade today, on World Baking Day!
The Sweet Lessons
My structured sweet lessons start from the basics, with simple cakes, cupcakes, biscuits/cookies & more. To seel more sweet lessons, Go to Sweet Lessons.
The Savoury Lessons
My savoury lessons are also structured to increase your abilities and include quick breads, savoury muffins, before introducing yeasted bakes. And many of these bread recipes, include a quicker technique, making yeasted bakes much quicker to prepare and be ready to eat. An example being 2 hour Yeast Bagels – 2 hours start to finish, no hidden times. To see all savoury lessons, Go to Savoury Lessons
Baking Theory Lessons
Baking is a science, so baking theory is very important if you want to fully understand how baking works. My theory lessons also include important tips to help you progress easily in your baking journey.
Recipe Reviews
Over 4 years I have reviewed lots of recipes for you, rating them as well as providing my suggestions and conversions.
Baking Info Blog
Some of my valuable baking articles are also found in the Baking Info Blog section. Popular examples would include my baking measurement conversions – go to Conversion Table Of UK & US Baking Ingredients.
Click to Go to Baking Info Section
Since it is world baking day, there is not only British classic bakes on the website, but many Turkish recipes too (approved by my Turkish husband of 25 years!). Go to Turkish recipes page.
Find Some Recipes
You can also find a particular recipe, by typing in the search box on any page on the website. Or click to go to the:
Alternatively, here are some popular sections to check out:
Video Tutorials
My recipes often come with video tutorials to guide you, so why not check out my YouTube channel to see them all and view at your leisure. A quick, free subscription would also be greatly appreciated!
Go to Caroline’s Easy Baking Lessons YouTube Channel
Join My Facebook Group
Why not also join my – Facebook group Easy Online Baking Lessons, dedicated to this baking lessons website, as well as providing one-on-one support with myself & my team? Be sure to answer all security questions when requesting to join.
Readers’ Pics
Don’t just take my word for how tasty and easy these recipes are – check my readers’ pics below. Also their feedback on the recipes and posts. Check the Reader’s Cookie Feedback page, or on idividual recipes.
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Happy Learning & Baking!
Caro x
World Baking Day
Search For Something You Fancy!
My favourite part is the sweet lessons part, love sweet cakes